Caddigan Christmas 2022
Happy Holidays!
We are looking forward to the opportunity to get together virtually for some fun and games!
Date: December 24th
5:15PM CST - Zoom party opens!
5:30PM CST - Party Starts!
We will be playing new games! One will be a Family Feud game! The other will be using Blooket.
Party Box!
A party box was shipped to everyone that RSVP'd! Everyone should have already their boxes!
The following links will be used for our trivia rounds during the party. The links won't work until the trivia round starts.
The following links will be used for our trivia rounds during the party. The links won't work until the trivia round starts.
12 Days of Christmas
A partridge in a pear tree,
Two turtle doves,
Three french hens,
Four calling birds,
Five gold rings,
Six geese a-laying
Seven swans a-swimming,
Eight maids a-milking,
Nine ladies dancing,
Ten lords a-leaping,
Eleven pipers piping,
Twelve drummers drumming.